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Joe Biden Says Donald Trump Should Be 'Locked Up', Corrects Himself | WATCH

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American President Joe Biden on Tuesday called for the political removal of his predecessor, Donald Trump, during an event in Concord, New Hampshire. The remark, which was delivered in support of his legislation on prescription drug costs and health care, was reminiscent of former President Trump's 2016 campaign rhetoric in which he regularly demanded that Hillary Clinton, his then-rival, be imprisoned.

Calls for Political LockoutSpeaking to a gathering in the capital of New Hampshire, Biden claimed that Trump is a threat to democracy because he wants to destroy his political rivals. Biden said that Trump thinks he can use a legal interpretation to eradicate his opponents, even if it takes going to great lengths. "He thinks he has a version of the Supreme Court ruling on immunity to be able to, if need be, if it was the case, to actually eliminate, physically eliminate, shoot, kill someone who he believes to be a threat to him," Biden remarked.Biden urged supporters to counter Trump’s political influence, stating, "We got to lock him up. Politically lock him up. Lock him out. That’s what we have to do." Trump’s Threat to DemocracyBiden and other Democrats, such as Vice President Kamala Harris, have repeatedly cautioned that democratic norms are seriously threatened by Trump's comeback to power. In his speech, Biden highlighted the rising threat faced by Trump's followers, whom he said had turned against democracy. Biden went on to say, "We're dealing with a totally different breed of cat now," making a sharp analogy to earlier political conflicts like the civil rights movement. He emphasized that the hostile attitude of MAGA Republicans makes the current situation much more worrisome. Republican ResponseSupporters of Trump have accused the former president of being the target of two assassination attempts and other acts of violence incited by his words. As the 2024 presidential election draws near, tensions between the two major parties are still high, and the Trump team has not yet responded to Biden's most recent remarks. Additionally, Trump's infamous "Lock her up!" shout, which was aimed at Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign, was compared to Biden's comments. By highlighting the risks of Trump's possible reelection, Biden's appeal to "politically lock him up" aims to mobilize Democratic voters ahead of the next election.
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